Where does this name come from ?

Refers to the thorny plant that has always been used as an abortive plant

The scientific name of Nifin’Akanga is Commelina madagascarica

Literally means “the guinea fowl’s teeth”: a little joke in reference to “When the chickens have teeth” to say that the time has come, time to end the general indifference on these issues related to women’s rights.

Madagascar est l’un des six derniers pays d’Afrique qui sanctionne les actes médicaux d’interruption de grossesse pour raisons médicales ou en cas de viol ou d’inceste.En effet, le Code pénal malgache dans son Article 317 condamne les pratiques de l’avortement quelles qu’en soient les causes. En Décembre 2017, la loi n°2017 – 043 Article 28 précise que : « Toute personne physique qui aura pratiqué l’interruption de la grossesse pour motif médical au mépris des conditions prévues par la loi sera punie par les peines prévues par le Code pénal article 317 ».
Founders of the movement

Founders of the movement
KEMBA RANAVELA has a thousand lives. But she describes herself as a columnist and literary host.
« To say that abortion is an open door to all excesses is pure hypocrisy. It’s forgetting the reality. It is a practice that is done, that is known, but we pretend that nothing is happening. »Kemba RANAVELA

Founders of the movement
MBOLATIANA RAVELOARIMISA defines herself as a feminist activist for social justice and human rights. She is involved in several movements and organizations in Madagascar and Africa.

Founders of the movement
Doctor LOVATIANA ANDRIAMBOAVONJY, this doctor has always been a feminist. For her, “being a feminist is being convinced that women and men are equal in rights and responsibilities. That the difference between these two genders is only biological, and that nature alone cannot define a person.
The executive team

Accounting Administrator
« Let’s act together, for women, for humanity ».

«Let’s act today to make tomorrow better

Project Assistant
«It is not our differences that immobilize us, in fact, it is the collective hypocrisy, silence and indifference.»

NIAINARIVONY Jeannie Andrianina
Monitoring and Evaluation Manager
« Let’s be the change that we want to see in our society.».
Nifin’Akanga has more than 300 activists and a few thousand sympathizers at the national level.