History of Nifin'Akanga - Nifin'Akanga


Madagascar is one of the last six countries in Africa that sanctions medical termination of pregnancy for medical reasons and termination of pregnancy in cases of rape or incest.

Indeed, the Malagasy Penal Code in its Article 317 condemns abortion practices regardless of the causes. In December 2017, the law n°2017 – 043 Article 28 specifies that: “Any physical person who will have practiced the interruption of pregnancy for medical reason in disregard of the conditions provided by the law will be punished by the penalties provided by the Penal Code Article 317”.

Thus, a doctor is punished by the law if he or she performs a medical act to save the life of his or her patient and/or her mental health.

Faced with this hardening of the legislative framework, Kemba RANAVELA, Mbolatiana RAVELOARIMISA and Dr. Lovatiana ANDRIAMBOAVONJY got together to create the movement for the fight against violence against women and the decriminalisation of abortion, which is how the Nifin’akanga movement came into being on February 15, 2018 in Antananarivo before becoming national on March 15, 2019 thanks to the initiative of three women.