Madagascar: legalising abortion the subject of debate RFI - Published 01/07/2018 - Nifin'Akanga

Madagascar: legalising abortion the subject of debate RFI – Published 01/07/2018

This article is about the delicate issue of legalizing abortion in Madagascar. This issue has been the subject of a heated debate within Malagasy society, with arguments for and against the legalization of abortion. There have been demonstrations and pressure from women’s groups and women’s rights activists for the government to take measures in favor of the legalization of abortion.

To learn more about this burning issue, we invite you to read the article published by RFI on 01/07/2018, which delves deeply into this controversial issue. This article will give you a comprehensive overview of the state of the debate on the legalization of abortion in Madagascar, the arguments put forth by both sides, and the implications of legalizing or not legalizing abortion.


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